Posted On
1:56 AM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
The Japanese yen declined today versus the euro and the Great Britain pound on the speculation that the policy makers would take measures to prevent the currency appreciation, which may hurt the nation’s recovery base on the exports. The currency rose against the US dollar.
The policy makers from the
Ministry of Finance and
Bank of Japan met to discuss financial markets, but it was told that they haven’t discussed the monetary policy at the meeting. The last time the policy maker intervened on March 16th 2004. The exporters said that they can receive profit as long as the yen remains below 92.90 per the dollar.
USD/JPY traded near 85.58 today as of 8:28 GMT. EUR/JPY traded at about 110.40, while GBP/JPY rose to 134.18.
Posted On
1:55 AM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
The Chinese yuan fell today on the speculation that the signs of the deteriorating global economy may prompt the Chinese policy makers to limit the currency’s gains in order to prevent the damage to the exports, which the strong currency may cause.
People’s Bank of China lowered today the daily reference rate by 0.36 percent to 6.8015 versus the dollar. The US officials stated that in the previous month the yuan was undervalued as the Chinese government keeps the currency rate artificially low to gain the unfair trading advantage.
USD/CNY traded at 6.7843 today as of 8:52 GMT after it opened at 6.7759 and jumped as high as 6.7940.
Posted On
9:39 PM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
I got my hands today on the Samsung Galaxy S and the iPhone 4, and honestly, when comparing the display screens of both these phones, I was really confused on which to conclude with is the best!
(Click the image to enlarge)
iPhone 4 features one of the most advanced display screens with the Retina Display technology (SLCD), while on the other hand Samsung Galaxy S features a Super AMOLED display screen. But when holding both of them, you hardly make out which one should be crowned as the best among these two because both of them have the best, vibrant touchscreen I have ever seen!
Have you tried both of these devices together? Which one do you think has a better display? Samsung Galaxy S or iPhone 4?
Click the screenshot in the beginning for a closer look!
Posted On
9:37 PM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
Redsn0w 0.9.4 download is now available to unlock iPhone 3.1.3 firmware – and also works as a jailbreak Phone 3.1.3tool.
The Dev Team released this tool at morning soon after the iPhone 3.1.3 update went live for public to update via iTunes. iPhone 3.1.3 update is more like a bug fix release which resolves some issues that were experienced in iPhone 3.1.2 firmware.
Unlock iPhone 3.1.3 Firmware
Redsn0w 0.9.4 can unlock and jailbreak iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G (doesn’t unlock 3G in the iPhone) and iPod Touch 1G and iPod Touch 2G models.
Download Redsn0w 0.9.4
You can download Redsn0w 0.9.4 from the following links
Posted On
9:35 PM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
Apple today released a patch (firmware update) iOS 4.0.2 to download which would fix the PDF exploit being used by JailbreakMe to jailbreak iOS 4.0.1 on iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPod Touch 3G, 2G and iPad.
JailbreakMe is now not compatible with any of the above devices above, but you can still jailbreak iOS 4.0.2 on iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G (non-MC model).
Taimur, from Redmond Pie, just tested on his iPhone 3G, that Redsn0w can still jailbreak iOS 4.0.2.
Jailbreak iOS 4.0.2 with Redsn0w (iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G)
Well, so folks, if you still have that good old iPhone 3G with you, you just got lucky as you can still jailbreak iOS 4.0.2 with Redsn0w, while others can’t.
Posted On
9:26 PM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
After analyzing data from nearly 10,000 smartphone users, online dating website OkCupid has
found what it says is "statistical proof that iPhone users aren't just getting [screwed] by Apple."
OkCupid tracked sexual activity (measured in number of partners) by smart phone brand. It found that, on average, a 30 year-old iPhone user has had twice as many sexual partners than an Android user of the same age. Thirty year-old BlackBerry users fall somewhere in the middle. See the chart below:

The online dating site's blog,
OkTrends, says of the data: "We found this data as part of our general camera-efficacy analysis: we crossed all kinds of user behaviors with the camera models and found we had data on the number of sexual partners for 9,785 people with smart phones."
OkCupid also plotted a graph showing how the number of sexual partners varies according to smartphone brand and age. See chart below:

Phone retailer iPhone4u recently released the
results of their own not-so-scientific study, which found that male iPhone users were luckier in love. As we wrote
here, they reportedly surveyed 1,500 women and found that 54 percent of them said they would be more likely to date a man if he has an iPhone.
Posted On
9:24 PM
Mian Asad Ali
Latest Today News
The rumblings started as far back as 2007 -- that the seemingly doomed-from-the-start Apple TV would get a makeover into a screenless iPod touch with an HDMI port. Those rumors started making the rounds again around the launch of the iPad, but an iOS-based Apple TV was still nowhere to be seen. Now, our friends at Engadget claim to have an exclusive scoop on thenew Apple TV, which will get new hardware, a new OS and a new name -- the iTV. According to an anonymous source, the Intel innards will be replaced with the an A4 processor like that found in the iPhone 4 and iPad. The new device will run iOS, like the rest of the iDevice lineup, and will have more apps, although it's not clear if it will run iPhone and iPad apps or be restricted to iTV-exclusive code.
All the news is not good, though. The new iTV apparently won't be able to playback high def 1080p or 1080i content. Instead, it will be limited to 720p