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They split the groups up weirdly on "America's Got Talent" -- and there was one surprising advancing act. Hint: it's NOTJackie Evancho.
Pup, Pizza Pat, Maestro Alexander Bui and Austin Anderson are the first group brought down. I'm rooting for Pat and Alexander, but who knows with the voting public? And the act advancing ... Alexander Bui. Piers is hilariously like, "I am SHOCKED!" It's a tad insulting to the other acts, but funny nonetheless.
Quick Change performs and it's pretty cool. I've seen them live at a minor league baseball game and they're fun. I especially like the changes under the glitter.
Now we have the Evolution of Dance, which is also awesome. It's too bad this was so short because in the original YouTube video he does a lot more dances.
The next group is Dylan Plummer, Dan Sperry and Booker Forte. It should probably be Dan Sperry out of this group. And then it is. Yeah, that's cool. He deserves a chance to do a bigger trick.
The next performance is the Taiwanese Whitney Houston, Lin Yu-Chun with "I Will Always Love You," a song I personally detest. But the vocal is impressive.
The next group of contestants is Ryan Rodriguez and Jackie Evancho. Oh, well. Duh. Can we just skip this one? Who thinks he will beat the little girl with the big voice? Nobody. Yeah. Howie asks Jackie to sing a note after she advances, thus hopefully quieting the rumors that she is lip-syncing.
Plutonic, Cam Hodges and Kristina Young are the last group. I hope it's Plutonic that goes through, but at least Kristina should go home before the judges' pick. And then Plutonic goes home first! Did not see that coming at all. Well, Cam should advance then.
After the judges deliberate, Howie sends Cam through, then Sharon sends through Kristina (which surprises me) and then Piers picks Kristina?! Wow, that is a surprise! Huh.
So next week is a Wild Card show where they are bringing back Michael Grasso, Connor Doran, Swing Shift Side Show, Kruti Dance Academy, Michael Lipari and Ashleigh Dejon, the Hot Shot Tap Dancers, RNG, CJ Dippa, Harmonica Pierre, Anna and Patryk, Doogie Horner and Rudi Macaggi. Drats, I thought we were onto the semi-finals. Fooled again!
And in case you missed it, here's Jackie's performance from last night: